Record for Separate Collection

Kimolos, due to its small size, is ideal for testing new solutions for plastic packaging waste. The strong seasonal increase in visitors and business activity related to tourism leads to a multiplication of the plastic packaging waste generated: more than 75% of this amount is generated on the island from May to September.

The pilot test of Whywasteme in Kimolos lasted 28 days (9.8 to 5.9.2021) in conditions of high tourist traffic. The main target was PET – plastic water and soft drink bottles. The results were surprisingly good:

  • 51242 empty plastic bottles were collected separately at the points of consumption.
  • More than 50% of all PET bottles consumed in Kimolos, between 9 August and 5 September, were collected separately.
  • The entire business ecosystem of the island participated. 74 collectors were placed in almost all restaurants, hospitality businesses and busy places.

The Whywasteme Solution In Kimolos

The 1st test of Whywasteme in Kimolos, showed that it can achieve high rates of separate collection and even immediately - taking into account that no preparatory phase had been carried out beforehand. In just 4 weeks, Whywasteme's solution has managed to maximise the separate collection of plastic bottles, both from businesses and visitors & residents of the island.

See some indicative publications

  • SKAI
  • LIFO

The project was successful on multiple levels.

Collection from production sites
Constant contact with businesses
Business ecosystem participation
Mobilization of visitors and residents
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